Thursday, 3 July 2014

Launching the School Science Data Base and Science Club

Last night we celebrated science in our school.  We had a wonderful evening where the boys from Year 4 to 8 got to share their science with their parents and families.
The senior school got to celebrate their finalists and the winners were announced.
We had a wonderful night and more on this will follow in the next day or two.

I announced the launch of our school science and technology data base.

I'm looking for parents who may be able to help out in the following ways
*  They might have a science/technology occupation that they could come and talk to the students about to help support our classroom programmes.
*  They might work in a science/technology based area and might be able to have groups or classes come to visit.

* Come and take a lunchtime session with our science club.

You don't need to be a scientist - just someone who has an interest or passion about something to do with science or technology.  The sorts of things could range from teaching the boys the process for bread making, take us for a walk through the bush and teach us about the native trees, wander down to the beach and talk about the geological features around our harbour, a neat little experiment, how to make cool bubbles, teach us something that you know about such as static electricity, our planet, veges, forces, share a rock collection, - the possibilities are endless!
A teacher will always be present so all you need to do is share your passion with the keen kids who form our science club.  Our lunch times run from 12.30 to 1.20.  At this stage the club looks like it will be on a Wednesday but there is flexibility if you can't make that day!

Please don't hesitate to contact me:
Let me know if you might be keen to
* come and speak to classes about what you do
* possibly have groups or classes visit your work place
* take a session with our science club