Monday 21 November 2011

Term three Evaluation

It was a very busy and exciting time in the science and technology room throughout term three.
Congratulations firstly, to the five senior boys who represented Wellesley College at the Wellington Science and Technology Fair. Special congratulations goes to Lachlan Sim who won three prizes, the Opus International Prize, First in Year 8 (Class 2) and the VUW Science Prize (first across Years 7, 8, 9 and 10). Ben Hawley also won the CRL Energy Prize.

As part of the school wide inquiry, Year 5P spent time in the technology room constructing models of Wellington Harbour, showing how it's topography has changed over time.

Year Seven also had a great time construction box cars to sell at the school gala. The boys spent time exploring ideas, using Youtube to get inspiration and then began the design and construction process. It was great to see lots of effort and care taken when it came to the final stages of painting and presentation. As a result, the cars sold very quickly at the gala!

The junior syndicate also enjoyed making periscopes and exploring what magnets are and how they work.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Year Two Periscopes

The Year Two class have just finished a couple of sessions making their own periscopes. The boys were excited to hear that they could be used for spying, and were interested to hear about their use in WW1 in the trenches and their use in submarines.
The whole class worked really hard to correctly and neatly cut out and construct their periscopes, being extra careful to ensure that their mirrors lined up correctly.

Friday 5 August 2011

Term Two Evaluation

The second term has once again seen many classes actively participate in a wide range of hands on science and technology.
 The junior syndicate have been exploring building cars and toys for their classroom during the winter terms. Year Three have spent a few lessons using the new K'nex forces kit, allowing them to build gravity powered vehicles. They have been learning about the importance of fair tests and what makes a fair test. the boys have thoroughly explored modifying and testing their vehicles to make their travel the furtherest.

The Year 8 students have been busy making steam powered Putt Putt boats.
There is a fantastic site, sciencetoymaker,  which clearly, through a set of comprehensive video's, demonstrates how to go about making the motor using an old coke can, straws and glue -
This task has involved lots of attention to detail, carefully following instructions and taking care to complete each stage carefully and neatly. Most of the boys have been successful in creating their steam powered engine, and some have continued on to make a boat for their engine (although many are happy with the simple plastic tray to try their engine out with).

Year six are completed a unit on forces. This began with the use of the K'nex kits. These have proved hugely popular and the students are going to use these within their own class. Using hands on tasks and lots of equipment, students are exploring key points based around forces and are also looking at magnets and magnetism.

A  number of senior school students have also completed an independent science fair investigation.  Next term some of these will go on to represent Wellesley at the Wellington Regional Science and Technology Fair.